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Unveiling the OpenAI Store: Customize Your ChatGPT for a Personal Touch

Unveiling the OpenAI Store: Customize Your ChatGPT for a Personal Touch

Have you ever wished ChatGPT could be tailored to suit your specific needs, whether at work, home, or play? Well, the good news is, your wish is about to come true! This month, OpenAI is rolling out the OpenAI Store, where you can customize your very own GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) for a personalized and enhanced ChatGPT experience.

What’s a GPT, you ask?

GPTs, or custom versions of ChatGPT, allow you to shape your AI companion according to your preferences and requirements. Whether you’re a board game enthusiast, a parent looking to teach your kids, or just someone who loves designing stickers, GPTs have got you covered. And the best part? No coding skills required!

Crafting Your Own GPT – It’s as Easy as a Conversation!

Creating your GPT is a breeze. Just start a conversation, provide instructions and extra knowledge, and select what functions you want it to perform. Want it to search the web, create images, or analyze data? You got it! Give it a whirl at chat.openai.com/create.

Example GPTs to Spark Your Imagination

Already, ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users can explore example GPTs from platforms like Canva and Zapier AI Actions. But here’s the kicker – OpenAI plans to make GPTs available to even more users in the near future.

The GPT Store – Your AI Playground

Imagine a place where AI enthusiasts and builders come together to showcase their creations. That’s the GPT Store, set to launch later this month. Verified builders will feature their GPTs, making them searchable and potentially earning a spot on the leaderboards. Categories like productivity, education, and “just for fun” will highlight the most useful and delightful GPTs.

Privacy and Safety – Always a Priority

Worried about privacy? Fear not! OpenAI ensures that your data stays under your control. Your chats with GPTs are not shared with builders. You decide whether data can be sent to third-party APIs. And when builders customize their GPTs, the choice is yours regarding the use of user chats for model training.

Connect GPTs to the Real World – Developers, Take Note!

Developers, get ready to connect GPTs to the real world! With custom actions, you can integrate external data, link to databases, or even make GPTs your shopping assistant. The possibilities are endless – connect to travel listings, sync with email inboxes, or streamline e-commerce orders.

Enterprise Solutions – Tailored for Your Business

ChatGPT Enterprise users, rejoice! GPTs allow you to create internal-only versions, perfect for specific departments, use cases, or proprietary datasets. Early adopters like Amgen, Bain, and Square are already leveraging internal GPTs for marketing, customer support, and onboarding.

Building with the Community – Shaping AI Together

OpenAI believes the most extraordinary GPTs will emerge from the community. Whether you’re an educator, coach, or just someone passionate about building helpful tools, you can shape the future of AI without needing coding expertise.

Making ChatGPT Plus Fresher and Simpler

For ChatGPT Plus users, OpenAI has listened to your feedback. Now, the model picker is a thing of the past. Access DALL·E, browsing, and data analysis seamlessly, all in one place. Plus, ChatGPT Plus now includes fresh information up to April 2023.

In the ever-evolving world of AI, OpenAI is taking a leap forward with the OpenAI Store. Get ready to personalize, create, and explore the endless possibilities that GPTs bring to the table. It’s not just AI; it’s your AI, your way! Join the AI revolution at chatgpt.com.

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