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AI Beauty Queens Dazzle Judges at the Inaugural Miss AI Pageant

AI Beauty Queens Dazzle Judges at the Inaugural Miss AI Pageant

In the world of beauty pageants, contestants have always been evaluated based on their looks, charitable deeds, and charming personalities. Traditionally, only humans were eligible to participate. However, this longstanding rule is being revolutionized with the advent of artificial intelligence. This month, the inaugural “Miss AI” pageant is breaking new ground by featuring contestants who exist solely in the digital realm.

The Rise of AI Beauty Queens

For the first time, models created using generative artificial intelligence (AI) are competing in a beauty pageant. These contestants, who have no physical presence, exist only on social media platforms like Instagram. They appear as photorealistic images of stunning young women, crafted with a blend of off-the-shelf and proprietary AI technologies. Some even move and speak in videos, sharing their “thoughts” and updates about their “lives” through social media posts.

Meet the Contenders

One standout contestant is Kenza Layli, created by a Moroccan team. In a video, she expresses her joy in Arabic at being a finalist, proudly noting her five-month existence and her Arab and Moroccan origins. Another competitor, Brazilian entry Ailya Lou, captivates her audience by lip-syncing and dancing to popular songs. Despite their virtual nature, these AI beauty queens are competing for a tangible prize—a $5,000 cash award for the winner. The pageant’s organizer, the U.K.-based online creator platform FanVue, is also offering public relations support and mentorship opportunities to the top three contestants.

The Selection Process

A panel of four judges carefully selected 10 finalists from an impressive pool of 1,500 submissions. This pageant is the first in a series of contests that FanVue plans to host under “The FanVue World AI Creator Awards” banner. The winners of Miss AI will be announced at the end of June.

Empowering AI Creators

According to Will Monange, co-founder of FanVue, the awards aim to spotlight creators who were previously under the radar. “The beauty of the AI creator space is that it allows talented individuals to participate in the creator economy with their AI-generated works without needing to be in the spotlight themselves,” Monange explained.

New Technology, Classic Format

Miss AI is being heralded as the first beauty pageant of its kind to involve AI. However, digital beauty contests are not entirely new; similar events have taken place on platforms like Second Life. Yet, Miss AI stands out by leveraging cutting-edge AI technology to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

As AI continues to advance, the Miss AI pageant represents a fascinating intersection of technology and traditional formats. It showcases how artificial intelligence can create stunning and lifelike digital personalities, opening new avenues for creativity and competition in the digital age. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winners and the future of AI-driven beauty pageants.


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