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10 Jobs That Could Disappear One Day, Thanks to AI

10 Jobs That Could Disappear One Day, Thanks to AI

In the digital era of today, one cannot escape the ubiquitous presence of artificial intelligence. Much like the metaverse captured attention in 2022, AI has emerged as the reigning force this year, poised to revolutionize our lives in ways we may not yet fathom.

Though Second Life 2.0 might have fallen short of expectations, AI’s potential impact is bound to be far-reaching. Some liken its significance to the monumental rise of automation during the past decades, a transformative era where entire industries underwent profound changes due to the advent of robotics and autonomous machinery. However, AI is expected to make an even more formidable impact, extending its influence into the realm of white-collar jobs. A striking report from Goldman Sachs suggests that approximately 300 million human workers could be potentially replaced by the prowess of artificial intelligence.

Amidst this technological upheaval, there exists a list of 10 occupations that AI might render obsolete, signaling a paradigm shift in the way we engage in work and productivity. The potential ramifications of AI’s exponential growth and capabilities warrant both excitement and trepidation, as it navigates the fine line between promising innovation and looming disruption.

1. Accountants

The imminent frontier in advancing AI models lies in the development of specialized programs that deviate from the traditional approach of broad data training. Instead, the focus shifts towards crafting targeted pathways for specific tasks. Among the most promising trajectories in this domain is the creation of AI systems capable of executing fundamental accounting responsibilities. The role of an accountant adheres to a structured set of comprehensible rules, making it an ideal foundation for training AI.

Notably, accounting firms, such as Sage, have already embraced the transformative power of artificial intelligence to automate their processes. As the algorithms evolve, gaining stability and trustworthiness, the scope of tasks requiring human intervention is poised to diminish. The wave of automation is expected to sweep away entry-level accounting positions, fundamentally reshaping the industry’s composition. Consequently, the landscape will be populated by auditors and overseers, tasked with verifying and cross-checking the AI’s meticulous workmanship.

This technological advancement heralds a new era for the accounting realm, promising heightened efficiency and accuracy while redefining the roles of human professionals within the industry. As automation takes center stage, the collaborative partnership between AI and human intellect emerges as the crux of future success in the accounting domain.



2. Content Moderators

A plethora of literature sheds light on the emotional toll borne by content moderators on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. These individuals shoulder the arduous responsibility of sifting through distressing photos, videos, and other content, shielding the general public from exposure to such harrowing material. While AI algorithms play a substantial role in prescreening a significant portion of this content, the ultimate judgment often falls on human beings. However, with the ongoing enhancement of these AI programs, the necessity for manual decisions is expected to decline, granting AI greater accuracy and efficiency in content curation.

Indeed, the prospect of individuals losing their jobs is a disheartening notion. Nevertheless, the reduction in the number of people tasked with this emotionally taxing curation could be seen as a positive development. The progression towards AI-driven content moderation offers the promise of sparing human moderators from encountering distressing and harmful content, thereby potentially alleviating the psychological burden they endure.

As we navigate this delicate balance between technological progress and human welfare, it becomes imperative to ensure that the well-being of content moderators remains a paramount consideration. While the transition to AI-driven content curation may bring positive outcomes, we must also remain vigilant in addressing the human impact and fostering support for those affected by these changes. In doing so, we can strive for a more compassionate and sustainable future in the realm of content moderation.

content moderators

3. Legal Assistants

The notion of AI arguing cases in court has been introduced, but skepticism remains about an algorithm’s readiness to stand before a judge, not to mention the challenge of convincing a client to take such a risk. However, the impact of AI and machine learning on the legal profession is evident, especially in the lower echelons of law firms. Lawyers may soon recognize the remarkable competence of AI in analyzing vast amounts of case law to generate summaries and citations.

In preparing for trials, the identification of historical precedents is a crucial task, one in which machines excel. The efficiency and precision with which AI can navigate through extensive legal databases are unparalleled. Though an element of interpretation may still be required, this aspect could potentially be outsourced to more experienced members of the legal team.

As this AI-assisted legal landscape unfolds, there are bound to be both opportunities and challenges for the legal profession. Embracing AI’s capabilities could lead to heightened efficiency and improved decision-making. However, it also raises questions about the evolving role of lawyers and the need for a balanced integration of technology and human expertise. The legal community must grapple with these transformative possibilities and strive to strike a harmonious balance that maximizes the potential benefits while preserving the essence of legal practice. In this pursuit, the collaboration between AI and seasoned legal professionals could pave the way for a more effective and enlightened legal system.

legal assistants

4. Proofreaders

Indeed, ChatGPT and similar AI language models have demonstrated their ability to generate readable text, but the quality of the output can sometimes be subpar. However, one promising application for AI in the writing process is as a proofreader. While human writers have traditionally relied on other humans to proofread their work, AI can now play a role in this crucial aspect of the writing process.

Spelling and grammar checking in word processing software, like Google Docs, already exemplifies a passive form of AI-assisted proofreading. The familiar red underline beneath a misspelled word is a rudimentary manifestation of AI identifying errors. Taking this a step further, AI could potentially evolve to autonomously correct mistakes, bridging the gap between passive error detection and active error correction.

Historically, the responsibility of proofreading has been assigned to human proofreaders, but with extensive and diverse data sets, AI can approach the efficacy of human proofreading. Leveraging its ability to analyze vast amounts of written content, AI can catch errors and provide suggested corrections in a manner akin to human proofreaders. This collaborative partnership between human writers and AI can result in enhanced writing quality and efficiency.

However, while AI-assisted proofreading holds great promise, it is essential to strike a balance between automation and the human touch. Language is nuanced and context-dependent, and sometimes, only human judgment and creativity can discern the most appropriate phrasing or tone. Integrating AI into the proofreading process should be done thoughtfully, respecting the expertise and insights that human proofreaders bring to the table while harnessing AI’s capabilities to refine and enhance written content.

proof readers

5. Traders

Understanding the intricacies of financial markets is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor, and those who excel in this profession often rely on their instincts and keen perception. However, when it comes to entry-level stock traders at prominent banks, fresh out of business school, much of their time is spent engaged in predictive modeling using Excel and managing vast amounts of financial data. This particular aspect of their work does not necessarily demand the exclusive use of human intellect, as AI technology shows great promise in taking over these tasks.

By entrusting predictive modeling and data management to AI, financial institutions can achieve higher levels of efficiency while minimizing the potential for human errors. Moreover, AI’s capabilities can pave the way for more sophisticated comparative modeling, enabling deeper insights and better decision-making.

While a pathway to senior roles in banks and funds will still require human judgment and expertise, the future outlook for entry-level stock traders suggests a significant shift. As AI continues to advance, there is a likelihood that it will render some of these entry-level positions obsolete in the not-too-distant future.

It is essential to approach this transition thoughtfully, recognizing the benefits of integrating AI into financial processes while acknowledging the potential impact on the workforce. Adequate measures must be taken to support and retrain individuals affected by these changes, as the convergence of AI and financial markets shapes a new landscape for the industry.


6. Transcribers

The replacement of manual transcription with AI-driven voice-recognition algorithms is already well underway, with remarkable advancements observed over the past decade. While the concept of speech-to-text systems was introduced as early as 1952, it is the recent progress in machine learning that has ushered in a new era of efficiency and precision in audio transcription. By harnessing vast datasets of human speech, modern systems can produce highly accurate and rapid audio transcriptions.

Across various industries and professions, transcription plays a pivotal role, from lawyers meticulously documenting legal proceedings to journalists swiftly converting interviews into text. With the rapid evolution of AI-based speech recognition, it is becoming increasingly apparent that human transcription efforts will be significantly supplemented, if not replaced, by machines in the near future.

The benefits of employing AI-driven transcription are manifold. Not only do these algorithms deliver faster and more accurate results, but they also reduce the burden on human transcribers, freeing up their time for higher-value tasks. As AI continues to improve and refine its capabilities, the majority of transcription work is expected to transition into the domain of machines.

While AI’s ascent in transcription carries undeniable advantages, it is essential to approach this transformation with careful consideration. The transition should be accompanied by efforts to support professionals who rely on transcription as part of their work, offering them opportunities to adapt their skills and embrace AI as a valuable tool. By embracing this synergy between AI and human expertise, we can foster a more seamless and efficient future for audio transcription.


7. Graphic Designers

The rapid advancement of AI models is undeniably reshaping various industries, and graphic design is no exception. AI’s ability to create images in diverse styles has set the stage for a potential revolution in the graphic design realm. With its machine-learning capabilities, AI is ideally suited to explore the intricacies of color, composition, and readability, making it a fitting playground for AI-driven design tools.

Imagine a future where clients can input text and a few photographs into an AI designer, and within moments, be presented with a plethora of potential layouts for a magazine, billboard, or other visual materials. This automated design process allows for efficient exploration of numerous creative options, streamlining the design workflow significantly.

The software’s capacity to effortlessly flow the selected design into a final, print-ready file eliminates much of the manual labor traditionally associated with graphic design. While some might argue that AI lacks the human “imagination,” it is essential to recognize that many design clients prioritize efficiency, consistency, and a seamless workflow over abstract creativity. AI’s precision and speed in generating design concepts can be a boon for such clients.

Nonetheless, as we embrace this transformation, it is crucial to strike a balance between AI-driven efficiency and the creative touch of human designers. While AI can handle routine design tasks and generate initial concepts, human designers can bring their artistic sensibilities and innovative thinking to elevate and refine these concepts. This collaboration between AI and human creativity may pave the way for a future where design projects are completed more efficiently, catering to the diverse needs of clients across various industries.

graphic designer

8. Customer Service

Complaining about customer service has become an ingrained part of American culture, regardless of whether the agents are outsourced or even human at all. As text-to-speech software continues to improve in speed and sophistication, it is increasingly likely that artificial intelligence will occupy the other end of the phone line more frequently than human representatives. The scalability of AI surpasses that of traditional call centers, which are burdened with unpredictable staffing costs influenced by various external factors. In fact, we have already become accustomed to navigating through seemingly endless voice-prompted menus when reaching out to most companies, indicating a clear trajectory towards AI-driven customer service.

As AI technology advances, it promises to revolutionize the customer service landscape, offering increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness to businesses. The adoption of AI-powered customer service aligns with the sentiments of the industry, recognizing the potential for streamlined operations and improved customer experiences.

However, even as AI gains prominence in customer service interactions, it is vital to strike a balance between automation and human touch. Some customers still prefer the personal connection and empathy that human agents can provide. Therefore, successful implementation of AI in customer service hinges on finding the right blend of automation and human assistance to cater to varying customer preferences.

As we venture further into this AI-driven customer service era, it is crucial for companies to remain attentive to their customers’ needs and feedback. Striving for an optimal customer experience that seamlessly integrates AI capabilities while retaining the value of human interaction will be key to achieving long-term success in this domain.

customer service

9. Soldiers

The toll of human lives lost in military conflicts weighs heavily on any nation, prompting a shift towards utilizing remotely operated vehicles and other technological advancements in warfare. However, it is essential to recognize that the mental and emotional costs borne by individuals on the battlefield are equally significant. If we can spare human beings from enduring such traumatic experiences, it becomes an imperative moral consideration to do so.

The concept of self-directed munitions is not new, but with continuous technological progress, drones and other autonomous weapons are becoming increasingly capable of making decisions and engaging in combat without direct human intervention. While this can enhance military capabilities, it also raises ethical concerns.

As technology evolves, the future of warfare might see machines pitted against one another or even machines against humans. The possibility of machines autonomously conducting warfare without human oversight elicits profound questions about the boundaries of ethical responsibility and the potential risks associated with such developments.

The international community must grapple with the ethical implications of autonomous weapons and establish robust regulations to ensure that technological advancements in warfare align with human rights, humanitarian principles, and international law. Striking a balance between harnessing technology for defense and safeguarding human dignity is of paramount importance.

In shaping the future of warfare, it is crucial to prioritize human well-being and ethical considerations while leveraging technology to minimize loss of life and protect civilians from the devastating impacts of armed conflicts. Finding common ground among nations and fostering transparent dialogue will be critical in navigating the complexities of autonomous weapons and preserving a world that values human life and peace.


10. Writers

No, not every wordsmith in the world will be out of a job because of the power of artificial intelligence. We don’t see generative AI being able to write a novel that actually touches on something valuable about the human condition anytime soon. But a lot of writing exists just to fill space, to satisfy search engines, and maybe to deliver useful information. Some media outlets(Opens in a new window) have already been using programs such as ChatGPT to write articles and blog posts, and while the results don’t measure up to the real thing, they’re getting closer. If volume is more of a concern than quality to you, an AI author is going to be an attractive proposition. Let’s just hope an AI didn’t write the words you’re reading right now.



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